Tips for Writers: Stoking the Fires of your Creativity

Sometimes it can feel like there is nothing more frustrating or depressing to want to be able to create, but just not be able to.  The stream of creative water has slowed to a trickle, and it can make you feel artistically powerless.  The good news is, we have all been there.  To occasionally feel like you're just treading water in your creative pursuits is a common experience.  Let me share a few tips with you to help you back on track.

Tip #1:  Don't Force it

Creativity can hit you at the most unexpected times.  Don't try to force it, or you will likely just wind up depressed, which can further inhibit your creative process.  Your subconscious is working in the background for your benefit.  Be patient, you will find inspiration again.

Tip #2:  Feed your Brain with Variety

A blockage in the creative path might be a perfect opportunity to refill your creative reservoir, but make it a point to seek out new and different experiences.  Exposing yourself to experiences different from your normal routine can serve as a reset for the mind and refresh your imagination with a whole new array of subjects to write about.

Tip #3: Manage a Healthy Diet and a Regular Sleep Schedule

This is one I even struggle with, as I am a bit of a nocturnal night-owl.  But no matter how great your new experiences are, they will not be processed to the optimal extent if your brain is exhausted or your body is deprived of nutrients.  A little effort into caring for yourself will pay off in the long-run.

Tip #4: Try Different Forms of Art

Your mind is like a conglomeration of muscles.  If you push one to exhaustion, you can still hone your strength by working on the others.  If you're a writer and struggling with creativity, try another form of art like: drawing, singing, dancing, sculpting, et cetera.  You don't even have to be good at the art you are practicing.  Most of my artistic pursuits I started out with practically zero initial talent.  However flexing a different muscle in my artistic creativity gave my exhausted muscles time to rebuild; and broadening my creative skill-set strengthened my creativity overall.

Tip #5: Don't Give Up

We all lose hope at times.  We all have our moments of creative drought.  Negative thoughts towards your creative processes will only delay you from the results you want.  Your creativity will return to you.  In the meantime, just keep trying your best artistically.  Congratulate yourself for moving forward; even if you don't feel like you're moving in the direction you want at this very moment, you'll always find your path back on track.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!  Please subscribe to keep up with my latest posts, or check out my first book in the Cinder Reign Chronicles if you're looking for an entertaining read!


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